Global Foxcom’s Coarse Wavelength-Division Multiplexer (CWDM) can combine up to 8 fiber outputs from Global Foxcom fiber optic transmitters into one single fiber (RFoF). Each transmitter transmits on a different optical wavelength. CWDM technology uses ITU standard 20 nm spacing between the wavelengths, from 1470 nm to 1610 nm. Each wavelength is transmitted on a separate single mode fiber optic cable and then multiplexed onto a single fiber. Global Foxcom’s Coarse Wavelength-Division De-multiplexer reverses the process, separating the light into 8 separate fiber paths.
With Global Foxcom’s CWDM solution, transmitting multiple L-Band and 70/140 IF Band signals over a single fiber becomes a simple and cost effective process. CWDM overcomes the need for installing new fiber or leasing cables. By using Global Foxcom’s CWDM solution, transmission distances up to 50 kilometers can be achieved.