Wideband RF Splitter/Combiner | PL7642

Features & Benefits

  • Reduces cable connector failures
  • DC passing
  • High performances
  • Greatly improves cable management


The PL-7642 is a high performance, passive, 2way WideBand RF splitter/combiner.


The PL7642 supports dual port DC passing capabilities, needed for a redundant LNB powering configuration.

RF Specification Value
Frequency Range – Bandwidth 10 – 2400 MHz
Insertion Loss 10-950 MHz 3.8 dB
Insertion Loss 950-2400 MHz 4.2 dB
Isolation 10-950 MHz 18 dB
Isolation 950-2400 MHz 15 dB
Ripple [in band] 10-950 MHz ±0.6 dB
Ripple [in band] 950-2400 MHz ±1 dB

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